Partner Teachers: setembro 2010

Teacher Vanessa

Teacher Vanessa
Com os alunos da turma intensiva de inglês

Teacher Flávia

Teacher Flávia
Beit kids American Bilingual Preschool

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Aulas in company
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HOT IDIOMS - Expressões idiomáticas "picantes"

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

A Partner Teachers separou uma lista especial de gírias e expressões picantes para você descobrir e “pegar” os seus amigos.          
 Esta lista refere-se ao jeito ou performance de cada pessoa naquela hora mais quente: a famosa hora “H” - características de acordo com a profissão!

  Ache a sua e surpreenda-se! 

ACTORS do it on cue.


ARCHEOLOGISTS like it old.

ARCHITECTS have great plans. 

ARTISTS are exhibitionists.

ASTRONOMERS do it with Uranus.

BABYSITTERS charge by the hour.

BAKERS knead it daily.

BANKERS do it with interest - penalty for early withdrawal. 

BARTENDERS do it on the rocks.

BASKETBALL PLAYERS score more often.

BRICKLAYERS lay all day.

BUS DRIVERS come early and pull out on time.

BUTCHERS have better meat.

CARPENTERS hammer it harder.

CHEERLEADERS do it with more enthusiasm.

CHEMISTS like to experiment.

CLOWNS do it for laughs.

COCKTAIL WAITRESSES serve highballs.

COMPUTER GAME PLAYERS just can't stop.

COWBOYS handle anything horny.

DANCERS do it in leaps and bounds.

DENTISTS do it in your mouth.

DETECTIVES do it under cover.

DIVERS do it deeper.

DOCTORS do it with patience.

DRUGGISTS fill your prescription.

ELECTRICIANS check your shorts.

ENGINEERS charge by the hour.

EXECUTIVES have large staffs.

FARMERS spread it around.

FIREMEN are always in heat.

GARBAGE MEN come once a week.

GEOLOGISTS are great explorers.

INTERIOR DECORATORS do it all over the house.

INVENTORS find a way.

JANITORS clean up afterwards.

LAWYERS do it in their briefs.

MANAGERS supervise others.

MILLIONAIRES pay to have it done.

MODELS do it in any position.

MOTORCYCLISTS like something hot between their legs.

MOVIE STARS do it on film.

MUSICIANS do it with rhythm.

NURSES call the shots.

POLICEMEN like big busts.

POLITICIANS do it for 4 years then have to get re-erected.

PROFESSORS do it by the book.

RECYCLERS use it again.

REPORTERS do it daily.

SCIENTISTS discovered it.

SECRETARIES do it from 9 to 5. 

SOCCER PLAYERS have leather balls.

STUDENTS use their heads.

TAXI DRIVERS do it all overtown.

TRUCK DRIVERS have bigger dipsticks.

VETERINARIANS are pussy lovers.


WAITRESSES serve it piping hot.

ZOOLOGISTS do it with animal instinct.

TH Pronunciation

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

 A maioria dos alunos sempre tem dúvidas sobre a pronúncia das palavras formadas por TH SOUND. O segredo está no posicionamento da língua em relação aos dentes. Os dois fonemas (voiced e voiceless) não possuem similares na língua Portuguesa, portanto para aprendê-los, é necessário praticar, e ao longo dos exercícios, se adaptar a esse novo som.
Segue um vídeo, feito por um nativo americano, que nos auxilia a compreender os movimentos bucais que devem ser feitos, além de nos mostrar quais são os erros comuns que estrangeiros cometem quando tentam pronunciar o TH SOUND.

So... enjoy it, and improve your English!